The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution amended the Legal Metrology Packaged and Commodities Rules, 2011, the amendment would be effective from January 01,
In today’s scenario technology has played a vital role in transforming our lives. The advancements in technology have been rapid and diverse and have forever
Nowadays, the Department of Legal Metrology has been more attentive and prosecute all violators of the Legal Metrology Laws. So just go with the compile
According to the rules under Legal Metrology, various kinds of commodities and devices weighed and measured in different kinds of metric terms like kilograms, liter,
According to Section 18 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 (further referred to as Act) declarations on every pre-packaged commodity are mandatory in such a
Measurements are an essential part of our life, for instance, time to be punctual for appointments, satellite positioning systems to pinpoint a location, while consuming