The Legal Metrology department has become more attentive to prosecute the violators of Legal Metrology laws by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on February 1st,
Legal Metrology Act, 2009 in India deals with the units and methods of weights and measurement concerning the mandatory technical and legal compliance to ensure
The necessity of imposing Legal Metrology laws which deal with units of weights and measures comes on the method of weightmeant and measurement, weighing and measuring instrument
To protect the interests of the consumer, the legal metrology department plays an important role. Sometimes, protecting the consumer becomes quite difficult when the consumer
The headquarters of Legal Metrology is situated in Delhi, but the offices of the Legal Metrology department are situated in every state of the country.
To keep yourself away from the legal metrology dispute, it is necessary to work as per the guidelines provided by the Indian legal metrology system. Every
The Legal Metrology Department Conducted Raids Across Goa Power of Legal Metrology Department The inspection by Legal metrology officer can be conducted anywhere in their respective state.
The responsibility and power of a legal metrology officer is to conduct the inspection of quantity and error in packages at the premises of the wholesale dealer