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Product Labelling Consultation Label Packaging Requirement

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If you are a manufacturer of multiple products then you must go with product labelling consultation and packaging requirements. Before manufacturing any goods it is essential to understand the importance of product labelling for consumer satisfaction. Because a consumer buys a packed product after reading the product label and is satisfied with the mentioned details. So here you will get to know about the basic details related to product labelling registration and what are the packaging requirements. You’ll need to know about the many rules in India that govern package labelling to do this. ‘

What Is Product Labelling?

Product labelling is the way to write and display the product information of product packaging to consumers. On the product label consumers will find all the details that they are willing to know about the product before consuming it.

To simplify the product packaging for consumers the product label must consist of brand colors, logo, material, and shape of the package. With the mentioned labelling the product label must cover product information and written part.

“Product labels must consist of all the product information that consumers are willing to know.”

What Are The Labelling Compliances In India?

Labelling compliance in India refers to the rules and regulations that govern the information & details that must be mentioned of the product packaging. This will ensure consumer safety, product, quality, and fair trade practices. Product labeling requirements vary from region to region according to the type of product. But here you will get to know about the common labeling compliance in India.

  • Name and Address Of The Manufacturer Or Importer – For the knowledge and understanding the origin of the product name and address of the manufacturer or importer must be mentioned on the product label.
  •  Common Or Generic Name – To indicate the nature and purpose of the product user must mention the common or generic name. For example “Soap” for soap products.
  • Net Quantity – On the label the quantity of the product must be mentioned in metric units (e.g., grams, milliliters, liters, etc.). This quantity labeling helps the consumer to compare products.
  • Date Of Manufacturing & Expiry – The manufacturing and expiry date must be mentioned on the perishable and consumable products. The mentioning of date is crucial for safety and quality control.
  • Batch or Lot Number – Product must have the batch or lot number on the products. This will enable easy traceability and identification during the case of recalls.
  • Ingredients List – On the packaging label or food and cosmetic products ingredient must be mentioned. It is mandatory to list all the ingredients in descending order of their quantity.
  • Nutritional Information – On the food products nutritional information is mandatory to mention per 100g or 100ml it includes energy value, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and more.
  • Allergen Information – If any of the product contains any common allergen then it is compulsory to mention such as nuts, dairy, or gluten.
  • Country Of Origin – For imported products the origin of the country is mandatory to mention.
  • MRP (Maximum Retail Price) – To avoid price gouging it is necessary to display MRP on the product.
  • Consumer Care Information – Contact information for consumer complaints and queries should be mentioned on the products.
  • How To Use Instructions – For the products that need effective and safe use must contain specific instructions to use. Such as cosmetic & medicine should include the clear using instructions.
  • Safety Warning – On hazardous and chemical products must have appropriate safety warning instructions and symbols.
  • Barcodes – Many products contain barcodes for tracking and inventory management.
  • FSSAI License Number – Food products must have the Food safety and standards authority of India (FSSAI) license number.
  • ISI Mark – Certain products required Indian Standards Mark such as Electrical appliances.
  • Green Dot Mark – must mention the green dot on the environmental friendly products.
  • Recycling Symbols – If the product is recyclable in nature then the symbol of recycle or disposal must be mentioned on the product.
  • Used By Or Best Before Date – For perishable goods these dates are mandatory to mention for the safety of the consumers.
  • Halal or Kosher Certification – If a product has any of this certification then it must be mentioned on the product.
The product manufacturer or importer must mention the provided information about the products. The mentioned information must appear on a product label for consumer safety. This will increase the trust in the product and enhance the interest of consumers. These are the mandatory product labelling requirements in India & approval through lmpc certificate.

What Are Product labelling Rules in India?

Product labelling in India is governed by various regulations according to their work for the consumer’s satisfaction & safety. It also helps in promoting fair trade practices and providing clear information to the consumers. To understand the product labelling requirements and regulations in India just go with the mentioned details:-

FSSAI Labelling Regulations

The Food Safety and standards authority in India (FSSAI) works to regulate the labelling of food products in India. It includes some major key requirements mentioned below:-

  •  FSSAI Logo – On all the food products display of the FSSAI logo with the FSSAI registration/registration number is mandatory.
  • Nutritional Information – It is mandatory for the packaged food products to be mentioned in the nutritional information. The information includes energy value, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and more, per 100g or 100ml.
  • Allergen Information – If the product contains the common allergen then it must be mentioned on the product packages.
  • Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian Mark It must be mentioned on the product that the product is vegetarian or nonvegetarian.
  • Country Of Origin On the imported product the country of origin must be mentioned.
  • Used By or Best Before Date It is mandatory to mention used by or best before date on perishable products.

Bureau Of Indian Standards (BIS)

The product that falls under the BIS certification category must have an ISI mark such as electrical appliances and certain industrial and automotive goods.

Consumer Protection Act

The Consumer Protection Act ensures that the product label doesn’t contain misleading information. It ensures that consumers have the right to know about the true nature, quality, and utility.

Drugs and Cosmetics Act

Labels of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics must comply with the regulations justified in this act. It includes the details of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, batch number, and usage instructions. Understand the packaging rules for medical devices for the model approval of good and labeling.

Weights and Measures Act

Under this weight & measure act the manufacturer or importer must display the correct weight or volume of the product according to the legal unit of measurement. They have to keep in mind that they will not deceive the consumer by mentioning inaccurate measurements.

Packaging and labelling of Milk and Milk Products Regulations

All dairy products must follow specific labelling regulations. It includes the detailing of fat content, the use of the term “milk,” and more.

Textile Labelling

Textiles must have valid information that is mandatory to understand for the consumer. This information includes fiber content, care instructions, and other relevant information.

Legal Metrology Act

The legal metrology act governs the packaging and labelling of various commodities and mandatory declaration. The information includes maximum retail price (MRP) and standard units of measurement.

Bilingual Labelling

In most the states, it is mandatory to mention product labelling in both English and local language of the consumers.

Imported Goods

On imported goods, it is mandatory to mention the country of origin. Importers must ensure compliance with Indian labelling requirements.

Labelling of Hazardous Chemicals

For Hazardous chemicals and products it is important to display appropriate warning symbols, safety instructions, and chemical composition as per safety regulations.

Environmental Labelling

If the product is environment friendly or recyclable then it must be mentioned on the product’s packaging.
The above-mentioned product labelling rules in India are mandatory on the types of products. If you are still confused about which certification or labelling you have to mention then go with the ELT consultant. They consult you about product labelling requirements and how to do it. The product labelling consultation is important to know for better regulatory of products.

Various Other Laws Affecting the Product Labelling Rules in India

The Legal Metrology Act, 2009, and the Legal Metrology Pre-Package Rules, 2011, are the primary laws governing labelling in India. In addition, several more regulations impose extra labelling requirements for certain groups of items that may fall into the following categories:

Drugs Drugs Act 
Cosmetics Cosmetic Rules 
Medical Devices Medical Device Rules, 2017 
BIS Certified Products BIS labelling Rules 
Food Products FSSAI’s Food labelling Rules  
Eco Mark BIS Eco Mark labelling Rules 
ISO Certifications  Prescribed under respective ISO Standards 
E-Waste Mark E-Waste Management Rules, 2016 
Wool Mark Any other Marks which may not be covered here but are applicable to the clients Industry. 
Organic Food Mark Organic Food & Certification Rules 
Hallmark for Jewellery  BIS Hallmarking Rules 
Any other Marks that may not be covered here but apply to the client’s Industry

Because there are so many labelling rules, it is very common and difficult for any industry to follow them all. Putting together a product with a variety of labelling requirements necessitates the use of a variety of expertise. labelling of food goods, for example, may necessitate the involvement of Legal Metrology and Food Technology professionals. At ELT, we recognize the needs of industry and have assembled a team of experts from several sectors to provide a comprehensive solution for the client. If you’re having trouble with labelling , you can reach out to our labelling experts. 

What Declarations Are To Be Made In Commodities Sold In Packaged Form?

Every package shall bear thereon or on a label securely affixed thereto, following declarations by the provisions of LMPCR:

  • Name and address of the manufacturer, or if the manufacturer is not also the packer, the names and addresses of the manufacturer and packer & in case of imported products the name and address of the importer,
  • Country of origin or manufacturer or assembly in case of imported products shall be mentioned on the package.
  • Common or generic name of the commodity/s so packed and in case of packing of more than one product, the name and number or quantity of each product shall be mentioned on the package.
  • The net quantity of the commodity so packed must be mentioned in terms of the standard unit of weight or measure; if the packed commodity is sold by number, then the number of such commodities contained in the package shall be mentioned.
  • The month-end year in which the commodity is manufactured or pre-packed or imported shall be mentioned in the package. However, as per a recent amendment effective from 1st April 2022, in the case of imported items the requirement of mentioning “month & year of imports” has been replaced by “month-end year of manufacture”.
  • The “best before” or “use by the date, month & year” shall be mentioned on the label if a package contains a commodity that may become unfit for human consumption after some time.
  • Mentioning the MRP should be conclusive of all taxes and indicate that the MRP is in Indian Rupees. From 1st April 2022 the concept of mentioning dual MRP has been introduced wherein if the quantity is more than one in number or in other prescribed units of measurement, then MRP per number needs to be mentioned. For example, a package of 10 baby diapers has an MRP of Rs. 100 now after the amendment of the MRP per number of baby diapers i.e., Rs. 10 needs to be mentioned separately.
  • As per Rule 14: Where a package contains commodities like bed sheets, hemmed fabric materials, dhoti, sarees, napkins, pillow covers, towels, table cloths, or similar other commodities, the number and the dimensions of the finished size of such commodities shall also be declared on the package or the label affixed thereto.
  • Declarations about the dimensions of container-type commodities – The commodities shall be expressed as bags, boxes, cups, pans, or the like designed and sold in retail trade for being used as containers for other materials or objects and shall be labeled with the declaration of quantity as prescribed under the provisions of LMPCR.
  • The commodities which have a relationship with the dimensions and weight, or combination thereof, the declaration of quantity on the package containing such commodity shall also include a declaration as to such dimensions, weight, or combination

Apart from the Rules prescribed under LMPCR there are many other labeling rules under the other regulatory laws like Food labelling Rules by FSSAI, Medical Device labelling Rules, FDA labelling Rules, Cosmetic labelling Rules, Drugs labelling Rules, BIS labelling Rules. Since the labelling rules are quite technical, users are advised to carefully read the LMPCR & other labelling rules or take the help of professional consultants for the implementation of labelling rules with their businesses.

Who Is Exempt From Legal Metrology Labelling Rules?

In the Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities Rules, 2011 Following are exempted – 

  • Industrial consumer” means the consumer who buys packaged commodities directly from the manufacturer or from an importer or from wholesale dealer for use by that industry and the package shall have declaration ‘not for retail sale’.
  • “Institutional consumer” means the institution that hires or avails of the facilities or services in connection with transport, hotel, hospital or other organizations which buys packaged commodities directly from the manufacturer or from an importer or from wholesale dealer for use by the institution and the package shall have declaration ‘not for retail sale’. 

Thus, as per the Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities Rules, 2011 a person who wants exemption of the packaged commodities rules he needs to be an industrial customer/buyer who purchased the packaged commodity directly form the manufacture in bulk and same should not be for retail sale, but for the industrial customer’s own use.  Similarly in the case of institutional consumers who buy packaged commodities directly from the manufacturer or from the importer or for wholesale dealers for use by the institution itself and not meant for any further retail sale.    

What Are The Labelling Laws On Food Products?

  • Food product labelling is a highly sensitive issue for which the government has made stringent provisions. The LMPCR, 2011, is the primary law in India that governs the labelling of Pre-Packed Commodities produced by a variety of industries. However, there are other laws enacted by the Food & Drugs Administration (FDA) governing the labelling & packaging of food products:
  • The 2018 Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and Claims) Regulations: These rules address exaggerated claims made by manufacturers on their products, such as balanced diet, dietary fiber, fat, equivalence claims, health claims, nutrition claims, recommended dietary allowances, 100 percent organic food, sugar-free, no additives, and soon. The food business operator or marketer must obtain prior approval from the Food Authority under these regulations through the prescribed procedure for approval of claims.
  • The 2018 Food Safety and Standards (Packaging) Regulations: These laws include food packaging quality in terms of food grade, multi-layer / composite packaging, the total migration limit of non-volatile substance release from packaging material, primary food packaging, secondary food packaging, and so on. Furthermore, these restrictions mandated the use of tin cans, glass bottles, and plastic containers in certain types of food. Furthermore, these restrictions ban the use of newspapers or any other similar material for food storage and packing. Every food company operator must get a certificate of conformity from a NABL Accredited Laboratory for the packaging material they use under these laws.
  • The Food Safety and Standards (labelling and Display) Regulations, 2018, are a set of rules that govern how food is labeled and displayed. These rules outlined the labelling standards for pre-packaged foods, as well as the requirements for vital information to be displayed on facilities where food is made, processed, served, and stored. The government regulates food business operators in various areas, such as multi-unit packaging, non-vegetarian food, recommended dietary allowances, e-Commerce of food items, food for catering purposes, and so on, under these rules.

Our team of Food labelling Consultants and Experts at ELT helps users produce appropriate labelling and avoid getting in trouble with government enforcement authorities.

How Can You Ensure Accurate Labelling On Your Product?

As previously said, there are numerous rules that affect the package labelling standards in India, making it a difficult task for the average person to determine whether the labelling on their goods is accurate and lawful. You have two options for ensuring that your product’s labelling is correct:   

  • To thoroughly examine all of the rules that govern your product labelling and make the necessary changes on your own.
  • To enlist the help of product labelling specialists and rely only on their advice. 

Penalties For Inaccurate Labelling

The various labelling Laws in India impose harsh penalties and include provisions for imprisonment. Because product labelling directly affects consumer concerns, many non-governmental organizations in India are working to combat incorrect labelling . For example, the Advertisement Council of India, an autonomous body, frequently issues legal notices to advertisers who make exaggerated claims on their products, such as “100% clear skin in 10 days.” In such cases, the brand owner may demand that all products be immediately recalled from the market, along with severe penalties and punishments. Violations of Legal Metrology labelling Rules are criminal in nature, and repeat offenses may result in the offender being charged with a punishment of imprisonment.
