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Legal Metrology National Standards

Legal Metrology National Standards

The international Bureau of weight and measures is an Inter-Governmental Organization that has 59 members who act together on measurement of standards in various areas to

  • Verify the national standards
  • To measure the system of establishing, and
  • Preserving fundamental international standards and prototypes.

National standards under legal metrology are given under chapter III of Legal Metrology National Standards Rules, 2011. This rule came into force on April 1st, 2011.

Legal Metrology National Standards Rules, 2011

The Act talks about the parameters without physical dimensions or ratios of quantities of the same kinds, which are necessary for any specified measurement or for characterizing properties of a substance or the mixture of certain substances. By not complying with rules the offender will be liable for the Penalties under the Act.

Derived Units of National Standards

Derived units are the units that are expressed algebraically in terms of

  • Base units, and
  • Supplementary units of weight or measure.

These units are in the mathematical symbol of multiplication or division or both and used to express other driven units more simply than the terms of the base units of the weight and measure. LMPC declarations are mandatory on all commodities.

General Conference on Weight and Measures

A General conference on weight or measures is a conference general measures which are established under the Meter Convention to which India acceded in 1957.

International Organization of Legal Metrology

International organization of legal metrology means the organization established under the Convention Institute of Organization International Metrology Legal in 1955 to which India acceded in 1956. Indian Legal Metrology System plays an important role in the standards of weight and measures.

The International System of Units

It means the weight and measure of the international system of units which is the International Abbreviation Established by the general conference of weight and measure. An international system of units is divided into 3 units given below:

  1. Base units
  2. Derived, and
  3. supplementary units

LMPC National Standards

National standards include national prototypes, custody, maintenance of national standards of weight and measures, realization, and establishment of national standards of weight and measures based on the international system and the custody and maintenance of prototype standards which are given under the act of Legal Metrology National (Standards) Rules, 2011.

National Prototypes

  1. The central government to drive the value of kilograms Prepared a national prototype of the kilogram, and cause its accuracy to be certified by the International Bureau of Weights and measure.
  2. The International Bureau of weight and measure is equivalent to the international prototype of the kilogram and shall deposit the same in the custody of the national physical laboratory situated in New Delhi. In India LMPC registration of all the packed commodities are necessary.
  3. As per section 22 subsection, 2 of Legal Metrology National (standards) Rules, 2011 to derive the value of a meter the Central Government prepared a national prototype of a meter which caused the accuracy to be certified by the International Bureau of Weights and measured and deposited the same in the custody of National Physical Laboratory located in New Delhi.

Establishment Of National Standards

  1. The realization and establishment of national standards of weight and measure based on international standard units.
  2. The national physical laboratory shall discharge the responsibility based on recommendations made from time to time by the general conference on weight and measures or the international organization of Legal Metrology as the case may be.
  3. Establishing the national standards for the base unit other than mass the national physical laboratory for the purpose shall prepare or like to be prepared be following:
    1. Object or Equipment.
    2. Reproduce such phenomena.
    3. Or both as may be necessary for the purpose.
  4. Determine or would like to be determined the value of the national standards as recommended by the general conference on weight and measures.
  5. Inter-compare or prepare to be inter compared the national standards as recommended by the general conference of weight and measures with the corresponding international standards.
  6. To drive the value of kilograms the national physical laboratory shall:
    1. Prodigal determination of the value of the national prototype of the kilogram.
    2. The value which is determined shall be the national standard of mass.

The National Physical Laboratory shall prepare the object of equipment, standard, or both as well as periodically determine their value to establish the national standard for the drive and supplementary units.

Custody And Maintenance Of Prototype Standards

  1. The national prototype of the kilogram and other standards shall remain in the custody of the National Physical Laboratory situated in New Delhi.
  2. Every other national standard, the national prototype of the kilogram, and standard equipment shall be maintained periodically following instructions by the general conference on weight and measures, or by the international organization of legal metrology or any other constitution by either of them prescribe time to time.
  3. In case of no instructions issued by the international organization then in such case the consultative committee constituted may comply with instructions for
    1. The proper maintenance of national prototype,
    2. Standard equipment,
    3. Object, and
    4. National standards of weight and measure.
    5. The national prototype and national standards of physical measurement established following the recommendation of the general conference on weights and measures with reference to the appropriate international standard of physical measurement at periodical intervals of not more than 10 years shall be arranged by the national physical laboratory.
    6. The national prototype and other national standards shall be assigned by the National Physical Laboratory and values the determined by the national physical laboratory based on technical information provided by the National Bureau of weight and measures.
    7. Anti-national physical laboratory shall publish such values periodically but at least once in every five years and the same shall be deemed to represent the higher obtainable accuracy value in the country.

Custody, Maintenance of National Standards

Custody, Maintenance, etc. of national standard of weights and measures the work relating to the following:

  1. Establishment
  2. Custody
  3. Maintenance
  4. Determination
  5. Realization
  6. Reproduction
  7. Updating national standards of weight and measure on the commencement of the rules will be the responsibility of the national physical laboratory

The central government may call for such a report on the custody and maintenance of national standards and issue directions to the national physical laboratory concerning all or any of the matters specified under the act.

Any person whosoever is dealing in the national standards facing any kind of problem in the procedure or the permission by the central government and inquire or take the assistant from the ELT legal metrology consultant as they can help you out in any of the matter related to the Legal Metrology or LMPC Act.

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