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National Standards Units of Weight or Measure

National Standards Units of Weight or Measure in Legal Metrology

In businesses and buying stuff, ensuring things are weighed or measured accurately is super important. So that’s why governments have rules about this, called legal metrology. These rules also include setting National Standards Units of Weight or Measure, which are like the building blocks for fair trade. They assist in ensuring that items are of the correct size or quantity when purchased, whether at a factory, a store, or elsewhere. Let us take a deeper look at why these standard units are so essential and what they imply for everyone concerned.

Meaning of National Standard Legal metrology – Unit of Weight or Measure

Legal metrology certainly refers to the metrology branch that handles the units of weight or measure, weighing and measuring, techniques of Weight and measurements with the required technical and legal needs, and that has the target goal to assure the public trust in the accuracy and security of weights and measurements.

Units of Weight or Measure based on Metric System

Base Units of Lenght 

The base unit of length shall be in the meter, symbolized as “m” which is calculated by taking the fixed numerical value of the speed of light in a vacuum.

Base Unit of Mass 

The basic unit of mass should be in the kilogram, symbol “kg” which is determined by using a fixed numerical value of the Planck constant.

Bass Unit of Time 

The basic unit of time will be the second symbol, s, defined by taking a fixed numerical value of the caesium frequency.

Bass Unit of Electric Current 

The ampere, symbol a, must be the base unit of electric current. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the elementary charge. 

Bass Unit of Thermodynamic Temperature 

The basic unit of thermodynamic temperature will be kelvin, symbol k, which is established by taking the fixed numerical value of the Boltzmann constant.

Base Unit of Luminous Intensity 

The candela, symbol cd, is the fundamental unit of luminous intensity in a certain direction, which is determined by fetching the fixed numerical value of the luminous effectiveness of monochromatic light.

Base Unit of Amount of Substance 

The mole, represented by the sign mol, should be the foundation unit of material quantity.

Rules of Construction 

In these guidelines, wherever the phrase ‘weight’ is used to describe the number of meters, it must be built as expressing mass.

Act – Units Of Weight & Measure In Legal Metrology

1.VolumeCubic Centi-metre (CM3), Cubic metre (M3), Cubic Milli Metre (MM3)
2.CapacityKilo Litre (KL), Litre (I or L), Milli Litre (ML)
3.MassKilogram (KG), Gram (G), Milligram (MG)
4.AreaSquare Metre (M2)
5.LengthMetre (M), Centimetre (CM), Milli Metere (MM)
6.TemperatureDegree Celsius (°C) of Degree Kelvin (°K)

What are National Standards Units of Weight or Measure?

National standards units of weight or measure are fundamental reference points established and maintained by a country’s governmental bodies or metrology institutes. These units serve as the basis for measurements across different sectors and industries, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and fairness in commercial transactions.

Why are National Standards Units of Weight or Measure Important?

They give a consistent basis for measures, providing uniformity in domestic and international trade and commerce.

  • Accuracy: Using standardized units and organizations helps in correctly estimating amounts while eliminating mistakes and conflicts in transactions.
  • Consumer Protection: Standardized measures safeguard customers from unfair strategy by assuring they receive the right quantity and quality of goods or services.
  • Legal Compliance: Adherence to national standards units is sometimes a legal necessity, enforced by regulatory organizations to protect integrity in markets.

What Types of Registration/ Licences are Issued by the Legal Metrology Department?

These are the licenses issued by the Legal Metrology Department:-

  • Amendment for Licence of Manufacturer of Weights & Measures
  • Amendment for Licence of Dealer of Weights & Measures
  • Amendment for Licence of Repairer of Weights & Measures
  • Amendment for Registration of Manufacturer/ Packer of Packaged Commodities
  • Registration of Manufacturer/ Packer of Packaged Commodities
  • Renewal of Manufacturer Licence of Weights & Measures
  • Renewal of Dealer Licence of Weights & Measures
  • Renewal of Repairer Licence of Weights & Measures
  • Issue of license to the manufacturer of Weights & Measures
  • Issue of license to the Dealer of Weights & Measures
  • Issue of license to the Repairer of Weights & Measures

Are National Standards Units Consistent Across Different Countries?

While there are efforts to harmonize units of measurement internationally, slight variations may exist between countries. However, these differences are often reconciled through agreements and conventions aimed at promoting standardization.

What is Legal Metrology? What is the necessity of Imposing Laws?

It means that part of Metrology treats units of weighing and measurement, methods of

weight and measure, and weighing and measuring instruments about the compulsory technical and legal requirement which have the object of ensuring public guarantee

from the point of view of security and accuracy of weighing and measurement.

To ensure uniform enforcement of laws related to matters in Legal Metrology throughout the country, the Govt. has enacted:

S.NORegulations of Legal Metrology
1.Legal Metrology Act, 2009
2.Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011
3.Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011
4.Rajasthan Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules,2011

How do Businesses Ensure Compliance with National Standards Units of Weight or Measure?

Businesses maintain compliance by regularly calibrating measuring devices, adhering to legislative regulations, and participating in metrological training and certification programs.

Can consumers verify the accuracy of measurements in their transactions?

Yes, consumers can request verification of measurements by ensuring that businesses use calibrated measuring instruments and display certification or seals of approval from relevant metrological authorities.


In the complicated web of business activity, national standard units of weight or measure serve as the foundation, assuring fairness, precision, and openness. They serve as the cornerstone for legal metrology systems, allowing for frictionless trade procedures while safeguarding both consumer and company rights. As technology progresses and global markets become more integrated, the significance of standardized units rises, stressing the importance of strong metrological frameworks worldwide.


What Role Do National Standards Units Play in International Trade?

National standards units serve as the basis for harmonizing measurements in international trade, facilitating smooth transactions, and reducing barriers to commerce.

How are National Standards Units of Weight or Measurements established?

National standards units are typically established through legislative measures or regulatory frameworks enacted by governmental bodies responsible for metrology.

Is there Any License to Manufacture, Sell, or Repair Weights and Measures?

Yes, The Metrology Department assigns licenses to the manufacturers, dealers, and repairers of weights and measures for dealing with weighing and measuring instruments, so yes, the license is needed.

Can a Person Sell or Use Unstamped Weights or Measures?

No weights or measure shall be sold or offered, exposed or possessed for sale or used or kept for use in any transaction or for protection unless it has been verified & stamped by the Legal Metrology Officer that too by a licensed manufacturer/dealer.
