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Section 19 of LMPC Act

What is Section 19 of LMPC Act?

Section 19 of LMPC Act (Legal Metrology and Packaged Commodities) is very important in leading commodity packaging and labeling in India. This article shows the numerous frequently asked issues, providing a clear understanding for both companies and consumers.

Meaning of Section 19 LMPC Act

Section 19 of LMPC Act specifies the obligatory disclosures that must be placed on packaged commodities supplied in India. These statements promote openness, consumer knowledge, and fair trade practices. The section outlines the key information that should be included on packaged commodity labels to avoid unfair trade practices and defend consumer interests.

Components of Section 19 Of LMPC Act

Address and Name of Packer and Manufacturers – The label represents the maker or packer’s name and address. This process enables customers to recognize the product’s origin and contact the manufacturer if they have any issues.

Net Volume – The net volume of the product included in the package should be clearly stated on the labels. This assures that consumers know the quantity they are purchasing, supporting informed purchase decisions.

MRP (Maximum Retail Price) – The label should reflect the product’s Maximum Retail Price (MRP), including all taxes. This excludes overcharging and ensures that buyers understand the price they need to pay for the goods.

Contact Details – Manufacturers must publish a consumer helpline number or contact information on the label for customer queries and concerns. This allows for easier contact between customers and manufacturers, improving consumer protection.

License Number (FSSAI) – The FSSAI license number needs to be included on food labels. This indicates that the product meets the safety requirements established by the regulatory authorities.

Who Needs Legal Metrology Registration?

Importing, manufacturing, packing of packaged goods registration, and importing weights and measurements need Legal Metrology registration.

Benefits of Section 19 of LMPC Act

  • Legal Recognition: Registration gives the company legal recognition under the LMPC Act, which boosts its credibility and legality.
  • Rights Protection: Registered entities are entitled to protection of their rights and interests under the LMPC Act, which includes intellectual property rights.
  • Government Support: Registered units will be eligible for a variety of government assistance programs, incentives, and subsidies targeted at boosting their growth and development.
  • Contractual Advantages: Because Section 19 registration indicates conformity with legal obligations, it can make contract talks and interactions with other parties easier.
  • Enhanced Marketability: if you are registered it can improve the entity’s marketability by demonstrating compliance with regulatory requirements and instilling trust in stakeholders such as consumers, suppliers, and investors.
  • financing Access: Because registration is basically required for some financing options, registered businesses may have an easier time obtaining money from financial institutions, investors, and government agencies.

How Does One Ensure Compliance with Section 19 Of LMPC Act?

To guarantee compliance with Section 19, persons and entities must thoroughly analyze and comprehend the rules described in the section, develop relevant policies and procedures, and frequently assess their activities to ensure alignment with the LMPC Act requirements.


Section 19 of the LMPC Act is critical to guaranteeing fair commerce and consumer protection in India. This provision encourages customers to make educated choices by requiring specified statements on packaged commodity labels, while also fostering market openness and accountability. Businesses must follow the rules provided in Section 19 to avoid legal ramifications and maintain customer trust. Understanding the provisions of Section 19 is critical for both firms and consumers to engage efficiently in the market while adhering to regulatory norms.


What does Section 19 of the LMPC Act regulate?

Registration of importers on weights or measures regulated by section 19 of the Legal Metrology Act (LMPC) of 2009.

Does Section 19 of LMPC apply to?

Yes, Section 19 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 (LMPC) applies to anybody importing weight or measurement objects.

What are the Penalties If you Don’t Follow Section 19?

If you violate section 19, you will face imprisonment of description for up to six months, a fine, or sometimes both.

Are there any Exemptions to the Labeling Requirements under Section 19?

Yes, exemptions are implemented to particular product categories, that are unpackaged items, export products, and products packaged at the point of sale. However, these exclusions are subject to specific criteria and limitations.
