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Power of Legal Metrology Officers

Power of Legal Metrology Officer|

There are various powers granted to the legal metrology officers, which enable them to check and inspect the compliance of the act and rules and ensure the public’s interests. However, some power delegated to the officers may differ from state to state. Here, we provide the general management of the Officer provided under the Legal Metrology Act by the legal metrology department to its officers. Officers of Legal Metrology ensure that the Dispute under Legal Metrology will not arise.

Power Of Legal Metrology Officer In India 

As per the Legal Metrology Act, the legal metrology officers have many powers to ensure public users’ interest. We have collected all the power and mentioned below for your awareness:-

Inspection and Verification 

The Officer of legal metrology has the authority to inspect and verify the weight & measurement instruments that are used in commercial transactions. Officers can visit commercial places, factories, businesses, and markets for verification and inspection. They ensure the accuracy and compliance of these instruments.

Consumer Protection 

Legal metrology officer plays a vital role in protecting consumers. The Officer ensures that the consumer receives the accurate amount of goods sold by weight & measures.

Seize & Confiscate The Equipment 

Suppose weight & measurement equipment does not meet the standards according to the legal metrology rules. The Officer can seize and confiscate the equipment.


Another power of the Officer is to impose penalties and fines on individuals and companies that violate the standards. The penalties such as filing legal cases and pursuing legal actions.

Business Education 

The legal metrology guides and educates businesses on legal metrology rules and regulations. They guide the companies and ensure to rectify all the issues.

Imposing Penalties 

If the business is found guilty of non-compliance, the Officer of legal metrology can impose fines or penalties on the business or company. The fine varies according to the violation.

Power of Controller Under Legal Metrology

  1. The Controller of Legal Metrology shall exercise the power of the director delegated to him under the act.
  2.  Ability to implement the provisions of the show and rules within the state.
  3.  Financial power to sanction as per the delegation of power under the Delegation Power Rules.
  4.  Power to appoint authority to all non-gazetted officers and staff
  5.  Ability to approve leave for all the Directorate, Zonal, and Inspectorate office staff.
  6.  Power to grant licenses to the repairer, dealer, and manufacturer of weight and measures
  7.  Ability to register the Packer, manufacturer, and importer of packaged commodities.
  8.  Power to supervise the work of all legal metrology officers in the state.
  9.  Power to give directions to the legal metrology officers occasionally within the state.
  10.  Power to provide working and secondary standard weight, balance, measurement, and equipment to every legal metrology officer per the Legal Metrology rules.
  11.  The Officer can hear appeals and decide as provided in the act or send back the case with directions he may think fit.
  12.  Ensure the specification of standards under Legal Metrology.

Power of the Joint Controller of Legal Metrology

  1. The Joint Controller of Legal Metrology has the power conferred on him by the act subject to the limitations and delegated powers of the controller prescribed by the activities within his local limits.
  2.  Power to assist the controller in all administration accounting matters and guide technical and legal issues about legal metrology rules or acts.
  3.  Power to provide public information officers under the RTI act
  4.  Power to deal with the compounding of offenses under the act as authorized by the controller occasionally.
  5.  Ability to supervise and control the staff at headquarters.
  6.  Power to assist the controller in appeals filed under the act.
  7.  Power to seek approval from the controller in the matter of inspection by inspectorate officers or inspectorate offices
  8.  Power to inspect as per the directions of the controller

Power of Deputy Controller of Legal Metrology

  1. The Deputy Controller of Legal Metrology exercised the power conferred on him by the act subject to the limitation and delegated powers of the controller under the act within his local limits.
  2.  Power to deal with the compounding of offenses as authorized by the controller occasionally.
  3.  Assistant public information officers, as per the RTI act
  4.  Power to assist controller and joint controller in matters related to compounding of offenses, office establishment, and appeal under the act
  5.  Power to carry out office inspections of subordinate offices
  6.  Power to perform any other function or duties assigned to him by the controller.
  7.  Power to perform functions and responsibilities assigned to him by the joint controller occasionally.

Power of inspector of Legal Metrology Headquarters

  1. The Inspector of Legal Metrology headquarters has the power to assist superiors in all matters related to working standards and secondary standard laboratories
  2. To assist managers in the work associated with the issuance of registration for Packer and manufacturer
  3. A legal metrology inspector has the power to assist superiors in the work related to the renewal of the license. Such as manufacturer, distribution of the request of the manufacturer, and Packer.
  4. Power to check all the reports submitted by the inspectors.
  5. Power to assist superiors in the work related to the license of the manufacturer, repairer, and dealer of weights and measures.
  6. The inspector of Legal Metrology has the power to perform any other duties and functions assigned by the controller from time to time.

Importance of Legal Metrology Consultancy

  1. The Legal Metrology consultancy is essential in manufacturing, repairing, or importing pre-packed commodities and weight and measurement.
  2. The legal metrology expert helps you get into the business of weights and measures by complying with all its rules and regulations per the Legal Metrology Act and department.
  3. The Legal Metrology consultancy will help you to understand the powers of the Legal Metrology officers and the duties of the Legal Metrology officers.
  4. Also, from the Legal Metrology expert, you will learn that the Legal Metrology office is located in various states and districts in India and you should approach the office of your jurisdiction.

Importance of Power given to legal metrology officers.

The power given to legal metrology officers plays an essential role in maintaining the proper work by the legal metrology department and the compliance by the manufacturer, importer, dealer, and seller of the weight and measures. Without giving power to the legal metrology officers, proper compliance with the act and rules and regulations for the manufacturer and the offices of the Legal Metrology department would not happen.

  1. The power given to the legal metrology officers enabled them to check the department’s subordinates properly.
  2. Also, it is essential because the officers can inspect the files and the work delegated to the associates.
  3. The proper chain of work would take place because of the power of the Officer.
  4. The Officer also provides accountability for the job and compliance with the act.
  5. It also includes awareness in the country and to the citizens of the country, as the Legal Metrology officers have the power to spread awareness among the consumers and the citizens of the country.
  6. The legal metrology officers also maintain discipline in the legal metrology department
  7. Control allows the seniors to delegate their duties to their subordinates.
  8. This is important for the associates as they are accountable for the responsibilities commissioned to them by the senior.

Conclusion – Power of Legal Metrology Officer

Various powers are granted to the legal metrology officers of different ranks and states. Such powers and duties may differ slightly from state to state. Still, the motive of all the Legal Metrology officers in departments is to secure the interests of the public and the smooth running of the weight and measure business in the Indian market. The Department of Legal Metrology ensures that no fraud activity should be done in the Indian market, and any manufacturer, dealer, importer, or Packer should conduct no fraud.

The LMPC certificate or LMPC registration or license is essential for the manufacturer, importer, dealer, or seller of the pre-packed commodity weight or measures.

What Are The Qualifications Of Legal Metrology?

To become a legal metrology a person must have a degree in science, technology, or engineering. Also, have the ability to speak, read, and write the regional language of the state.

What Is The Job Of Legal Metrology?

The Job Of Legal Metrology is to provide rules and regulations for the control of measurements and measuring instruments.

Is a Legal Metrology Inspector A Gazetted Officer?

Yes, the Reading of the General Rule reveals that the status of the Gazetted officer has been given to the post of legal metrology Inspector.

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