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Specifications of Standards Under Legal Metrology

Specifications of Standards Under Legal Metrology

In the fields of science, commerce, and industry, the regulation of weights and measures plays an important role. Two establish uniform national standards it is necessary to understand specifications of standards. It majorly protects the public and traders from loss of custom to dishonesty. The standard of weight and measure prescribes the specification of measuring instruments. Such instruments are used in industrial production, commercial transactions, etc. Legal Metrology National Standards plays an important role in the standards of weight and measures. The specifications of the standard of weight and measure under legal metrology are given in the standards of weight and measures general rules 1987.

Standards of weight and measure are explained in the table below

LengthMeter (m), centimeter (cm), millimeter (mm)
temperaturedegree Celsius of Degree Kelvin
Areasquare meters (m2)
CapacityKilo liter (kl), liter (L), Mili liter (ML)
Volumecubic meter (m3), cubic centimeter (cm3) cubic millimeter (mm3)
MassKilogram (kg), Gram (g), milligram (mg)

Rules and Regulations for Standards of Weight & Measure

There are various rules and regulations specified in the legal metrology act which are to be followed while dealing with the weight and measure. A detailed legal term of standards includes the capacity, quantity, dimensions, or volume of anything. Issues covered under rules and regulations for standards of weight and measure are given below:

  1. Regulation of prepacked commodities sold or likely to be sold in the course of Interstate and commerce.
  2. Before manufacturing the model approval of weight and measure instrument which is likely to be manufactured after the commencement of the proposed legislation.
  3. Inspection of weight and measuring instruments to prevent fraudulent practices.
  4. Appeal provisions.
  5. Power to make rules for implementing the provisions.
  6. Regulations of import and export of weight and measures and pre-packed commodities.
  7. Indian Institute of legal metrology establishment for Indian Legal Metrology system.
  8. Training provided to the legal metrology officer and inspectors by the Indian Institute of legal metrology.
  9. Regulations of Interstate trade and commerce of weight and measures along with commodities sold.
  10. Survey of statistics for planning and enforcement of the proposed legislation.
  11. Prescribed fee for services.

Central Government on Secondary Standard

  1. Any secondary standard reference or working standard have to confirm the denomination, design, and material used in construction as per this central government is specified from time to time by its notification.
  2. The maximum permissible error to such other reference standard, working standard, or secondary standard should be as per the Central Government notification from time to time and different maximum permissible errors may be specified concerning different types of secondary standard, working standard, or reference standard.

Specification of Standard of Equipment

There are various kinds of specifications of standard pieces of the equipment described in the act of legal metrology general rules 2011 are given below:

Secondary Standard of Balances

  1. The secondary standard balances have to be maintained at every place wherever the standard weight is kept for verification of working standards.
  2. It shall be verified at least once a year and shall be adjusted to make it correct within the limit of sensitivity and other metrological qualities as specified in the 4th schedule of the act.

Reference Standard Balances

  1. It shall be maintained at every place wherever the reference standard weight is kept for verification of secondary standard
  2. The types, specifications, and number of such balances shall be as per the 4th schedule of the act.
  3. Every reference standard balance must be verified at least once in six months and if necessary, then correct within the limit of sensitivity and other metrological qualities as per the act.

Power to Specify the Standard of Equipment

With the notification, the central government may specify the standard equipment as it may think fit and necessary to carry out the provision of the act.

Standard equipment shall confirm the metrological qualities, as the central government may specify in the notification or subsequent notification.

Specification of Standard of Weight and Measures

There are four types of standards under the specifications of standards of weight and measure:

Reference Standards

The basic evolution for the process and product performance is served by the reference standards. It is widely acknowledged to have the appropriate qualities within a specified context. Reference standards are meant to be the measurement of weight, quality, quantity, Or extent for example:

  1. Standard solution
  2. Methods
  3. Weight standards
  4. The procedure used in the diagnosis
  5. The procedure used in therapy
  6. Techniques
  7. Reference standards are the standards that confirm the material used in construction and design

What are the Uses of Reference Standards?

However, the valid result in the purity and the quality of the reference standards is difficult to achieve scientifically. The reference standards are used to determine the following:

  1. Quantitative data which means an assay and impurity.
  2. Calibration means the melting point is standard.
  3. Qualitative data such as identification tests.

What is the Reference Standard Solution?

The method which can be used to get the concentration of the standard solution is the titration method. However, the standard solution is a guide and away to discover the morality of not known species Which also involves the equipment such as a burette.

Primary Standards

Primary standards are designed to protect public health, it specifies the maximum fundament level for many radiological microbiological, and chemical parameters of quality. The basic scientific and engineering judgment are reflected by the primary standards and these judgments are taken into account exposure from other sources in the environment and food.

Secondary Standard

  1. Secondary standards are specifically based on aesthetic factors rather than concentrating on health.
  2. Secondary standards are usually standardized against the primary standard and their solutions are used to calibrate analytical techniques and analytical types of equipment.
  3. Any substance which cannot be kept in an open place and any substance which easily reacts with the components of air is this secondary standard substance.
  4. Every secondary standard shall confirm the material used in construction, design, to the specification laid down under the act.
  5. The maximum permissible error in any of the secondary standard capacity measures, on verification or re-verification after adjustment shall be in a manner is specified in the act.
  6. The solution of the secondary standard is made for the analysis.

Uses of Secondary Standards in Water Supply System

Secondary standards suggested a maximum level of taste, hardness, color, odor, corrosiveness, and other factors in water resources. Natural water is potentially used by humans and the same occurs anywhere on earth by the way of vapor solid or liquid. The resources of natural water are rivers oceans and lakes including groundwater, glaciers and deep surface water Secondary standards suggest the Taste, hardness, color, odor, of the water.

Working Standards

Every working standard shall confirm.

  1. As regards denominations.
  2. The material used in construction.
  3. Design as per the specification laid down in the 3rd schedule of the act.
  4. The maximum permissible error in respect to the working standard weight on verification or re-verification after adjustment shall be as per the 3rd schedule of the act

Working standard meter

  1. As regards material using construction
  2. Design as per the specification laid down in the act.
  3. Power to specify any other reference.

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