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Offences Under Legal Metrology Act

Offences Under Legal Metrology Act

Offences under the Indian Metrology law is dealt under Section 25 to Section 39 of Chapter V of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 that states all the offences and penalties that are punishable under the eyes of law if a person whether a manufacturer, importer of packer founds to be guilty of committing an offence under the said Act. Being held liable of a punishable offence not only creates an ill will of any person but also sabotages his/her professionalism zone. Our team of experienced professionals at ELT corporate not only helps our clients in dealing with such offences and penalties but also keeps a key focus on preventing our clients to fall into any such unforeseen strenuous situations as we believe that prevention is always better than cure.

Offences that are punishable under the Legal Metrology Act

  • Using of any non-standard weight or measure.
  • Tampering and altering with any weight or measure or its part with an intention to deceive a person.
  • Manufacturing or selling any weight or measure that is non-standard with the Act.
  • Transacting, dealing any transaction through any deal or contract which is not in accordance with the given standards in the Act.
  • Publishing and quoting any non-standard unit.
  • Not producing any documents required by any authority when called for.
  • Not able to get the model approved.
  • Using, selling or distributing of any weight or measure which is not verified.
  • Selling and delivering any commodity which is not in accordance with the standard weights or measure.
  • Providing any service by means of non-standard weight or measure.
  • Manufacturing, packing, importing, selling or transferring any pre-packaged package not bearing declarations as prescribed by the Act.
  • When a government approved Test Centre is not in accordance with the Act.
  • Any importer who fails to get registered under the Act.
  • Importing of any weight and measure which is non-standard.
  • Preventing or obstructing with the work of Director, Controller or any authority in discharging their functions under the Act.
  • Providing any false information.
  • Conducting any search and seizure by any authority despite knowing and not having any reasonable grounds to do so.
  • Any verification of stamps, weight or measure which is in contravention with the Act.
  • Counterfeiting or selling any counterfeited seal.
  • Manufacturing, repairing or selling any weight or measure without having any valid license.
  • Tamper with and alter of any licence.

When any company which happens to commit any offence under the Legal Metrology Act, the person who is nominated for conducting the business of the respective company or in such absence any person who is in charge at the time of committing the offence is held to be responsible and guilty for committing the said offence under the Legal Metrology Act. Dealing with such grave offences not only harass with one’s mental and physical as well as financial health. Our firm ELT Corporate believes in reaching out to more and more aggrieved people and is one such leading stop for providing all the necessary solutions and consultancy services to our clients with utmost sincerity and dedication in all the parts of the country with respect to other dealing as well as offences under the Legal Metrology Act, 2009.

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